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Flea Market Weekend

Hello Dolls :)

Ryan together with I finally had a twenty-four hours off together (first fourth dimension inwards almost two weeks)! We decided to striking upwards the local flea marketplace together with become to a few antique/thrift stores...We constitute a few awesome pieces which I volition portion amongst you! But I'm almost "forbidden" ;) to purchase anything since nosotros are moving! I've been eyeing this beauty for awhile together with finally mustered the courage to purchase her this weekend ;)

She is going to await together with hence proficient inwards our novel house! For now, I simply threw some things on her together with called it a day...but I LOVE LOVE LOVE her bones...gosh I can't hold off to teach the novel house!

I position the roses I got Sabbatum inwards a simple, antique bluish stonemason together with position it on top. LOVE the bluish masons! Do you receive got any? I ordinarily uncovering all of mine at thrift stores together with flea markets.

 I constitute the pic frame at proficient ole' Hobby Lobby...LOVE. I intend it was less than $10, I'll accept it.
And the lantern is from TJ Maxx for a mere $14.99. Score. Holler. YAY.

The "WELCOME" sign was manus painted amongst stencils past times an elderly adult woman at the arts and crafts show. I stayed together with chatted amongst her for aleast 20 minutes...and she was simply talking most her together with her husband's adventures. I dear people similar that. And she was together with hence proud of this sign together with hence I bought it. It is cute but would hold out SO EASY to brand yourself! Maybe a DIY post service on this equally well? It would toll I'd nation nether $20.00 for sure! SWEET. And you could position anything you wanted on it!

The candle holders are from Target for abou $5.99 each although I haven't seen them at that spot inwards awhile! The crate I got at the finally Flea Market for exclusively $10.00! It says Minot, ND on the side which I similar together with hence nosotros tin ever recollect where nosotros got it ;)

I also moved or together with hence our farmhouse tabular array tonight... I'm getting alittle flake stir crazy because my identify would await COMLETELY dissimilar inwards my caput than here... We are lucky to receive got our identify but it would most definitely non hold out my showtime choice.

Here's a few shots I took a few minutes ago. It's dark, distressing :P I receive got together with hence much already packed and experience similar this room is together with hence bare...especially the walls. Hints, why I am together with hence excited to teach a novel house!!! Have I mentioned how excited I am, simply wondering? Be certain to permit me know what you lot think! Love hearing from y'all! PS, 73 days until nosotros teach out North Dakota! WOOP WOOP!

And here's the novel tabular array nosotros have. I sold my white i at my Repurpose sale for this beauty. She volition hold out matching the farmhouse table... (I think). Stay tuned for that post service equally well! It has real proficient bones together with I volition hold out posting to a greater extent than most it later. I am wrapping upwards other projects BESIDES my complete earlier nosotros leave. We receive got a mere 73 days left! I receive got 59 days left at my task together with that's including weekends! YIKES. I receive got together with hence so together with hence much to create together with and hence picayune time! Isn't it amazing how fast fourth dimension does become by? It's real bittersweet...

That's all for at i time folks! Toodles!

Mrs. Schmidheiser


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