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Vintage writing desk

Happy Mon everyone!

Today, Ryan had off together with then I decided to accept a random solar daytime off amongst him together with then nosotros could larn some things done to a greater extent than or less the assistance operate towardss our move! We got our TMO (Traffic Management Office) scheduled...and tin I country that I am am worry wart together with am already worrying almost it! I don't intend I'll e'er halt worrying... this is our fourth motion inwards five years... give cheers you Uncle Sam. And no, I'm non beingness sarcastic :) It has been fun seeing Europe together with moving from identify to identify but nosotros are both ready to settle for a few years. We are guaranteed to remain at Patrick AFB inwards Florida for at to the lowest degree 24 months. Have I mentioned how much I cannot await to motion at that topographic point together with showtime fresh? Now, to simply discovery a undertaking to back upwards this furntiure habit ;)

Ok! So... I scored this vintage desk off our base of operations yardsale...but allow me tell you, she needed work. One of the side panels was practically coming off! One of the drawers would non unopen correct together with the front  was coming off of it equally well. And on locomote past times of those few things...she was non inwards the best cast surface wise. So, she got sanded, primed together with re-newed. And hither she is... inwards her best clothing ;)

Here's a earlier shot. I wishing I would get got taken an upwards unopen together with personal one...the locomote past times peculiarly was inwards stone oil shape. Lots of nicks together with scratches but nil that my handy groovy sander won't fix. And some exertion together with the gun show.

Here's the after. AHHH...doesn't that simply brand you wanna accept a sigh of relief?

I honey the contrast of the deep walnut stain on top. And of course, lamentable makes me swoon over whatever slice of slice of furniture ;) Swoooonn = drooling uncontrollably ;)

Here's a peek inwards the locomote past times drawer. I was going to larn novel knobs but I genuinely similar the contrast betwixt the faded white together with the wooden knobs. I intend it keeps it's grapheme this way.

What practice you intend of her? I intend she is simply beautiful together with she is directly available inwards my store on Facebook here. Be sure to dice along your eyes peeled for novel furntiure coming into the shop! I practice get got a few pieces left that I volition last posting earlier nosotros leave!

Be sure to tell your friends almost "." I for certain practice appreciate all the support.


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